Parent/Guardian participation is very important for Springs Soccer Club (SSC) to help us achieve our goals in developing youth soccer. Children often take their cues from older role models and will follow the example that we set for them.


We expect all members of our SSC community to adhere to the following code of conduct:


I will:

1. Always support my child with positive encouragement

2. Respect and adhere to ideals, policies, rules determined by SSC and my child’s team.

3. Always maintain self-control.

4. Respect the facilities, either home or away, in which my child is privileged to play.

5. Show respect for all decisions, judgment, and authority of all officials.

6. Show respect for the feelings and accept the capabilities of my child, my child’s teammates, and players on the other team.

7. Exhibit a high degree of sportsmanship, teamwork, and positive attitude always when representing my child, the team, and our club.

8. Refrain from coaching from the sidelines during training and or games.

9. Respect the 24hr rule when dealing with issues and or concerns I have with respect to

my child when communicating with a coach, program director or staff member.

10. Refrain from expressing my opinion of the coaches or players in front of my own child or in a public setting.

11. Refrain from using foul language towards other parents, coaches, officials, or


12. Refrain from yelling at or threatening officials, players, or coaches before, during or after games or training.

13. Refrain from using social media to express any negativity toward anyone associated

with SSC.

14. Refrain from demonstrating frustration or anger after a loss or poor performance.

15. Always accept defeat graciously.

16. Will commit to both club and team fees in accordance with required schedules.

17. Not physically or verbally abuse any other person.

18. Refrain from bringing alcohol, drugs or firearms to SSC games, training, team or club function/activity.


Failure to comply with the Parent Code of Conduct could result in removal from the team, our club, a field, sanctions, and/ or police involvement.



As a member of our SSC community, you are responsible for the conduct of any additional spectators that you bring to our games, practices or other activities. Please ensure that these spectators are aware of the norms stated in our SSC Parent/Guardian and Spectator Code of Conduct.


Contact Information

Springs Soccer Club
Cypress Park
1301 Coral Springs Drive
Coral Springs, FL 33076

Phone: (954) 282-5215
