The Springs Soccer Club is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals or organizations involved with the Club are treated with respect. Membership and registration with the Club as well as participation in its activities, brings many benefits and privileges. At the same time, registrants and or organizations are expected to fulfill certain responsibilities and obligations including but not limited to complying with the Clubs Rules (Bi-Laws), Policies and Procedures. Irresponsible behavior by members, parents, volunteers, administrators, staff members, contractors or officers can result in severe damage to the integrity of the Club. Conduct that violates these values may be subject to sanctions pursuant to this Policy.
This Policy applies to all members or potential members and their parents/guardians/caregivers, volunteers, administrators, staff, contractors or officer. This Policy shall be read and applied in accordance with the policies and procedures of The City of Coral Springs, US Club Soccer, and the Springs Soccer Club.
Any members or potential members and their parents/guardians/caregivers, volunteers, administrators, staff, contractor or officer shall at all times act in good faith and in the best interest of the Club and act at all times in accordance with the aims objectives, policies and procedures of the Club and shall not engage in any conduct that may create a conflict of interest or that may bring the Club into disrepute. Any members or potential members and their parents/guardians/caregivers, volunteers, administrators, staff, contractor or officer shall not directly or indirectly encourage or assist in establishing or operating a soccer organization or competition that is not or will not be registered with the Springs Soccer or sanctioned by US Club Soccer.
Club Fees:
There will be no refunds of club fees.
Team Fees:
Payment of Annual Club Dues
Payment of the Acceptance Fee and Annual Club Dues can be made by credit card, bank ACH (processing fees will be applied), or by hand-delivering a check to the executive director.
Payment Options:
All teams have the option to pay the annual club dues in full. Additional payment options are as follows:
All Other Teams:
Sibling Discount:
For families registering more than one child, a discount of $50 will be applied for each additional sibling.
Pay in Full Discounts:
Explanation of Annual Club Dues
The total club fees set forth above include but are not limited to the following: a nonrefundable acceptance fee, administrative costs, player registration and player card with sanctioning body of league (US Club Soccer or Florida Youth Soccer Association (FYSA)), City of Coral Springs participation fee, referee fees for one league, referee assignor fees for one league, coach stipends, specialized training sessions, coaching education, and other supplemental programs.
The fees and dues set forth above do NOT include Team (Tournament) Fees. In addition to the fees owed to SSC (as set forth above), each player will have Team expenses specific to the team to which they are selected. These team fees include, but are not limited to, additional league fees, referee and assignor fees associated with the additional league fees, player passes associated with any additional leagues, tournament entry fees, coach travel expenses, and non-SSC facility rentals, if applicable.
It is important to note that individual Team Fees are a separate expense from the Annual Club Dues.
This policy governs the publication of and commentary on social media by SPRINGS SOCCER CLUB (SSC) volunteers, employees, and members. For the purposes of this policy, social media means any facility for online publication and commentary, including but not limited to:
This policy pertains to any communication that references, directly or indirectly, SSC or any club program.
Club volunteers, employees, and members are free to publish or comment via social media in accordance with this policy. Club employees/Independent Contractors are subject to this policy to the extent they identify themselves as employees/contractors of the club (other than as an incidental mention of place of employment in a personal blog on topics unrelated to the Club).
The distinction between the private and the professional has largely been obliterated, and it must be assumed that one’s private and professional social media activity will be treated as one, no matter how much effort is spent attempting to keep them separate.
Publication and commentary on social media carry similar obligations to any other kind of publication or commentary. All uses of social media must follow the same legal and ethical standards that the Club must otherwise follow.
Social media is in real-time. Postings are available to a wide audience in seconds and may be digitally captured for eternity.
Maintaining Confidentiality
Some information about SSC is not in the public domain at all times, such as unpublished details about the club’s financial position, upcoming projects, tentative roster selections, and contemplated coaching assignments. Personal information about members, especially children, can never be published.
Respect your Audience, the Club, and your Colleagues
The public in general, and Club employees, volunteers, and members, reflect a diverse set of customs, values, and points of view.
Dealing with Controversial Issues
If you see misrepresentations made about the Club in the media, you may point that out. Always do so with respect and with the facts. If you speak about others, ensure what you say is factual and does not disparage that party.
Correcting Mistakes
In the fast-moving world of social media, it is possible to inadvertently (or carelessly) make a mistake or repeat someone else’s mistake.
Thinking about Consequences
Careless or inappropriate comments about a member, a sponsor, a partner, or the Club itself can result in, at a minimum, bad relations with the offended party and, in the worst case, legal action.
Springs Soccer Club-Specific Social Media
Policy violations will be subject to SSC disciplinary action, up to and including:
Statement of Intent
The Club is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals or organizations involved with the Club are treated with respect. Membership and registration with the Club as well as participation in its activities, brings many benefits and privileges. At the same time, registrants and or organizations are expected to fulfill certain responsibilities and obligations including but not limited to complying with the Clubs By-Laws, Policies and Procedures.
Irresponsible behavior by members, parents, volunteers, administrators, staff members, contractors or officers can result in severe damage to the integrity of the Club. Conduct that violates these values may be subject to sanctions pursuant to this Policy.
Objectives of the SSC Anti-Bullying Policy
Bullying will not be tolerated.
All players, coaches and managers and parents of SSC should have an understanding of what bullying is. All managers and coaching staff should know what the club policy is on bullying and follow it when bullying is reported. All players should know what the club policy is on bullying and what they should do if bullying occurs or is suspected. As a club we take bullying seriously. Players and parents should be assured that they will be supported when bullying is reported.
Definition of “bullying”
Bullying is the use of aggression with the intention of hurting another person. Bullying results in pain and distress to the victim. Bullying consist of three basic types of abuse – Emotional, verbal and physical.
Bullying can be and does include:
Signs and indicators of bullying
A player may indicate he or she is being bullied by signs or behavior, adults should be aware of these possible signs and should investigate if a player:
In some more severe situations, other indicators can include:
Directions for coaches/managers noticed that a player is being bullied:
Immediately report the bullying incidents/behavior to SSC. A complaint can be communicated verbally, initially, to a Club official or employee but must be followed up in writing (letter and/or email). SSC Incident Form should be submitted to SSC via SSC’s Administrator who can be reached via email. The Club will take every concern seriously, investigate the issue and report back to you in a timely manner. In serious cases, parents may be asked to come in to discuss the problem. If necessary and appropriate, the police will be consulted. If bullying is found, it will be stopped immediately by removal of the player(s) who is bullying from the Club until a suitable process has been met through club policy. A record will be kept on the incident(s), investigation and any action(s) taken. The bully (bullies) will be placed on probationary period with the club of no less than six (6) months.
Harassment Policy
Workplace Harassment Policy
The Club’s Board of Directors is committed to providing a work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Workplace harassment will not be tolerated from any person in the workplace. Everyone in the workplace must be dedicated to preventing workplace harassment. Club officers, volunteers, administrators and staff are expected to uphold this policy, and will be held accountable by the employer.
Workplace harassment means engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct
against a staff member, in a workplace, that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. Harassment may also relate to a form of discrimination as set out in the law.
This policy is not intended to limit or constrain the reasonable exercise of management functions in the workplace. Staff are encouraged to report any incidents of workplace harassment. The Board will investigate and deal with all concerns, complaints, or incidents of workplace harassment in a timely and fair manner while respecting workers' privacy, to the extent possible. Nothing in this policy prevents or discourages a worker from filing an application with the law within one year of the last alleged incident. A worker also retains the right to exercise any other legal avenues available.
SSC Zero Tolerance Policy
Springs Soccer Club is a strong supporter of making sport safe for its youth. This policy is to help ensure the safety and enjoyment of soccer for all, by condemning all forms of abuse - verbal, physical, emotional and sexual – while attempting to protect individuals from abuse.
SSC supports zero tolerance as it relates to all forms of abuse: verbal, physical, emotional, and sexual.
All relationships within SSC context – whether involving members of the Board of Directors, Club staff, coaches/managers, volunteers, players, parents/family members, supporters or referees – must be based on mutual trust and respect. Any act of abuse is a betrayal of that trust. SSC will investigate and act upon all complaints or reports of inappropriate behavior. This Zero Tolerance Policy attempts to respect diverse individual and cultural viewpoints while protecting individuals from real or perceived abuse.
Definitions of Abuse:
Reporting Guidelines and Procedures
Violations of the Zero Tolerance Policy should be reported immediately to SSC office by the victim(s) and/or by those close to them (a parent, a teammate, a coach etc.). A complaint can be communicated verbally, initially, to a Club official or employee but must be followed up in writing (letter and/or email). A complaint should be filed submitting a filled SSC Incident Form to SSC via SSC’s Administrator who can be reached via email.
If the complaint involves physical or sexual abuse, SSC official or employee will contact the police if the individual alleging abuse has not already done so, and with the individual’s consent.
All complaints of abuse will be immediately investigated by SSC.
All complaints to SSC must be in written form before a complaint is dealt with. However, SSC will immediately report criminal activities to the police (with the consent of the individual alleging abuse) without a written complaint. Once a written complaint has been filed with SSC, a discipline committee consisting of at least three Board members will discuss the complaint with the individual alleging abuse (note: in the case of sexual abuse, SSC may designate a Club official of the same gender as the individual alleging abuse to contact the victim). A Board member assigned to lead the investigation into the complaint will schedule a Discipline Hearing within ten (10) business days of notice in the individual(s) whom the complaints have been filed against. The individual(s) who are named on the complaint shall be contacted by registered mail and requested to appear at the Discipline Hearing. In the case of Physical Abuse such as fighting, kicking, etc. the Discipline Committee will decide between either a Discipline by Review or Discipline by Hearing process to determine appropriate penalties and/or suspensions.
Discipline shall be heard by three (3) Board members one of whom is the Discipline Chair. If a certified Chair is not available within SSC, US Club Soccer will be asked to provide a certified Chair for these purposes.
The committee shall hold a hearing and invite the individual(s) named on the complaint to be present at the hearing. Only individuals called by the committee shall be allowed to participate in a hearing. The committee shall then deliberate in camera following the meeting with the individual(s) who are named on the complaint. The decision shall be communicated to the individual alleging abuse and the individual named in the complaint within ten (10) working days of the Hearing. Penalties for contravening the Zero Tolerance Policy can range from a permanent suspension from SSC, suspension for a specified period, and a probationary period where the individual can continue with SSC. All committee decisions are final.
SSC, City of Coral Springs and US Club Soccer guidelines for suspensions and penalties may be used as guidance in rendering suspensions for physical abuse issues such as Violent Conduct (fighting, kicking, etc.). Individual(s) who are charged with a criminal offense involving SSC related incidents shall be immediately suspended from SSC pending resolving of the charges. No Discipline Hearing shall take place when an individual is facing criminal charges SSC related incidents. SSC members who are convicted of a Criminal Code of United States offense are subject to suspension or removal.
Any individual who is convicted of a criminal offense resulting from sexual or physical abuse shall be banned for life from SSC. Individual(s) who violate the Zero Tolerance Policy for non-criminal activities may apply for reinstatement to in writing SSC one month prior to the end of a time specified penalty.
Handling Incidents of Abuse during a House League game (physical, verbal or emotional abuse)
The referee must suspend a game if an abuse incident involving a coach, player or
parent/spectator occurs during a game. If a coach is the source of the abuse, the referee will advise the coach that the game will be abandoned if the abuse continues. If a parent/spectator is the source, the appropriate coach will be informed that the game will be abandoned unless the abuse ceases. If the source is a supporter, the appropriate coach will provide the referee with the name of the supporter and the coach must advise the fan that the next occurrence of a similar nature will result in abandonment of the game. If the spectator is not associated with either team, both coaches will be asked to speak to the spectator and request them to leave the field area. The game will be restarted by the referee only if the abuse ceases, with a dropped ball at the location where the play was stopped.
The incident shall be reported to the Club Head Referee Assignor by the referee in charge immediately following the game completion or abandonment. If the abuse continues, the referee will abandon the game and clearly indicate on the game sheet that the game was abandoned due to abuse. The senior game official must immediately report the incident to the Club Head Referee and fill out a Special Incident Form within 24 hours. In cases of physical abuse on a referee, a “Referee Assault Form” must be completed by the referee.
SSC will report all incidents of a criminal nature immediately to police.
This Zero Tolerance Policy applies to:
All elected Club officials, volunteers, SSC staff, coaches, managers, and referees must sign a form acknowledging their understanding and acceptance of the Zero Tolerance Policy.
This Zero Tolerance Policy shall be posted on the SSC ’s website always and communicated to parents and players at the beginning of every program cycle.
Ignorance of the Zero Tolerance Policy shall not be considered a valid defense against a complaint.
As a youth oriented, community-based sports club, Springs Soccer Club supports a healthy and active lifestyle for all members and their extended families. While physical activity within the context of team play in a central tenet of the Club’s mission, the importance of consuming healthy foods and the careful and in some instances the restricted use of substances is a key component of a healthy lifestyle.
The Club, through encouragement, example and general Club communication, espouses the principles of a healthy lifestyle via these policies.
Healthy Snack Policy
SSC believes that promotion and modeling of healthy eating habits and balanced lifestyles to members of our Club can play a crucial part raising the awareness of a healthy life style within our community’s youth. Whereas the consumption of snacks and liquid refreshments is an important team societal event, the Club will promote the exclusive consumption of healthy food items at SSC games, practices, tournaments etc.
Anti-Tobacco Policy
In recognition of the significant health risks posed by tobacco and tobacco products, SSC promotes and encourages a tobacco free lifestyle for all players, team officials and spectators. All club premises, games, practices, activities, tournaments, competitions, sponsored events, and other performances sanctioned by our organization shall be tobacco-free. Tobacco free means no smoking, snuffing, vaping, dipping or chewing tobacco by players/participants, coaches/leaders, parents, spectators and officials. No tobacco product nor derived product shall be consumed at a facility leased or permitted by SSC.
Anti – Doping Policy
The Club believes in the principles of fair play, inclusiveness and fairness to all within an umbrella of fun-filled and competitive based sports activities. The use of performance improving substances to gain a competitive advantage over fellow athletes are counter to those principles. The Club prohibits the use of performance enhancing substances in any form. Any members reported to have used or facilitated the use of performance enhancing substances either for themselves or others will be suspended.
Alcohol Free Policy
In recognition of the health and lifestyle risks posed by alcohol products, SSC promotes and encourages an alcohol free environment for all players, team officials and spectators. All club games, practices, activities, tournaments, competitions, sponsored events, and other performances sanctioned by our organization shall be alcohol-free. No alcohol products shall be consumed at a facility permitted by SSC. Under no circumstances shall a player or team official participate in a SSC game and/or practice session while under the influence of alcohol. The Referee may eject from a match, any player, team official or spectator they feel may be under the influence of alcohol.
Non-Medically Prescribed Drug Free Policy
In recognition of the health and at times dangerous lifestyle risks posed by various forms of non-medically prescribed drugs, SSC promotes and encourages a drug free environment for all players, club and team officials, employees and spectators. Non-medically prescribed drugs are defined as either cannabinoids, opioids, stimulants, club drugs, dissociated drugs, hallucinogens or other like compounds. All club games, practices, activities, tournaments, competitions, sponsored events, and other performances sanctioned by our organization shall be drug-free. No non-medically prescribed drugs shall be consumed at a facility permitted by SSC. Under no circumstances, shall either players nor team officials participate in a SSC game and/or practice session while under the influence of non-medically prescribed drugs. The Referee may eject from a match, any player, team official or spectator they feel may be under the influence of non-medically prescribed drugs.
The Rule of Two serves to protect minor athletes in potentially vulnerable situations by ensuring that more than one adult is present.
Vulnerable situations can include closed doors meetings, travel, and training environments.
Organizations are encouraged to create and implement policies and procedures that limit the instances where these situations are possible. Ultimately, the Rule of Two states that there will always be two screened and certified coaches with an athlete, especially a minor athlete, when in a potentially vulnerable situation.
This means that any one–on–one interaction between a coach and an athlete must take place within earshot and view of the second coach, with the exception of medical emergencies.
In the event where screened and certified coaches are not available, a screened volunteer, parent, or adult can be recruited. In all instances, one coach/volunteer must reflect the genders of the athletes participating or be of an appropriate identity in relation to the athlete(s).
The one–on–one interaction between a coach and an athlete without another individual present is to be avoided in all circumstances.